thomas rings
Bachelor Professional of Insurance and Finance (CCI)
Certified Quality Manager, Quality Auditor, Six Sigma Black Belt

The right job has been found and I stayed faithful with insurance industry. More soon...

In the last time I have been able to substantiate and certify my previous experience in quality improvement, process analysis and improvement projects with well-founded specialist knowledge.

I'm looking forward to both degrees

have successfully submitted.

The focus of my thesis was quality management (DIN EN ISO 9001), process management for the QMB and specific quality knowledge for QM and quality auditors (DIN EN ISO 19011) for conducting audits, basic knowledge of IPMA®/GPM and Scrum Master, Six Sigma Green and Black Belt for team leadership and lean methods.

In addition to my experience as a manager at one of the leading insurance assistants, I can also show a wealth of experience in various positions at the market leader in insurance and the Bachelor Professional of Insurance and Finance (CCI). and now become

Kind regards, Thomas Rings